Are you using Storytelling in your Marketing?

“Everything is content, everything is content.” 🎶 Sing it with me! Seriously though, how many stories are you sitting on that could make wonderful content for your marketing campaigns? My guess would be a TON!

Storytelling is essential to marketing. Successful brands use stories to engage their customers and increase brand awareness. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: people like to do business with people they like. That expands beyond small businesses, too – I bet there are companies you’re loyal to because of their sustainability measures, their origin stories, and how they treat their employees.

And the way you’ve become aware of these characteristics is through the brand telling you stories!

Some of the most popular tactics for storytelling are:

  • Storytelling through social media posts

  • Storytelling through videos

  • Storytelling through blog posts

  • Storytelling through infographics

  • Storytelling through podcasts

  • Storytelling by telling customer success stories

Storytelling is Easy!

Yeah, I said it. I don’t often claim that something is easy, yet storytelling really is an easy way to promote your business, which will leave a lasting effect and make you stand out from competitors.

Storytelling creates empathy between you and your customers. This helps them to buy from you because they feel like you understand their needs better than anyone else on the market.

Storytelling is Great for Business

Companies that use storytelling in their marketing see a 13% increase in return on investment, an 85% increase in brand awareness, and a 20% increase in customer retention.

It’s a powerful way to connect with your customers, and a great way to promote your business by making it memorable for your target audience.

Storytelling is Valuable

Imagine sharing your stories with your audience and boosting your know, like, and trust factor, just by being yourself. One of the big goals of marketing is to create a relationship with your clients and customers. We do that by being relatable and approachable. Share your clients’ stories (either ask for permission first or make it vague enough to protect their privacy), your stories as a client – including what you’d do differently if given the chance – and behind-the-scenes peeks to help humanize your business.

Start Telling Stories Now by Telling Yours!

Stories shape our world in ways we don't even realize. They are what drive our culture, society, and economy forward every day. And they are what drives people to buy products or services from you!

Here are some story ideas to get you started:

  • Tell your origin story – how you got started.

  • Share your “why.”

  • Talk about a time when things didn’t go as planned.

  • Tell a story about a client’s experience with you.

  • Share about a success you or your client has experienced.

And if you need help, let me know! Book a discovery call with me here.


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