Goal Setting the Right Way
It’s natural for us to want to avoid things in life. We want to avoid pain, avoid stress, avoid burnout, avoid heartbreak, avoid boredom…you name it. Yet, the motivation to avoid these things isn’t what we should focus on. Instead, it’s the goal that we want to run toward that is stronger!
The weight loss goal is so cliche, but I think it’s one that we can all understand. If you want to lose weight, it’s best to set goals based on what you do want, not what you want to avoid.
For instance, avoiding heart disease has been shown to be less effective than losing weight to feel better when you look in the mirror. It’s one of the reasons that brides-to-be can always seem to get the weight off for the big day. (Whether they do it healthfully or not is another story…)
Why Do We Set Goals?
The truth is, if we don’t set goals for ourselves, we won’t have the motivation to do much. We need to be working for something to keep us in “the game,” whatever that “game” might be. It’s why bosses give cash rewards at kickoff meetings, or commissions, are so motivating. And when we look at why goals are important, we understand that we’re happier when we have a sense of achievement for something in our lives. Planning and setting goals gives us a sense of direction, too - something to look forward to and work toward.
What is Goal Setting Theory?
Goal Setting Theory originated in the works of American psychologist Edwin A. Locke in 1968. It includes 5 principles:
Clarity: The more clarity you have around your goal - what’s included and specific details about your goal - the more powerful it is.
Challenge: The more challenging a goal, the more motivating it tends to be, within reason! Your goals need to be attainable but a stretch.
Commitment: You’ve got to be committed to the goal for it to be effective. Rather than focusing on what might be bad if you don’t hit the goal, focus on all the benefits of achieving it.
Feedback: Regular feedback from a manager or a coach helps you identify where you can do better at your goal setting and where you’re already knockin’ it out of the park.
Task Complexity: This aligns with the challenge principle beautifully. If the goal is too complex, or if it feels overwhelming, you won’t be able to accomplish it. So keep those goals attainable!
The Best Goal Setting Tip
I truly believe the best goal-setting tip is to break your big goal into smaller goals. And then, you’ve got to celebrate your smaller goals. Every win is a win - it doesn’t matter how “small” it is. Don’t overlook those small victories and small movements toward your goal. Sure, there are tons of goal-setting strategies out there, but I truly believe that the goal-setting process is really individualized to how you work and how you are motivated.
I would love to help you reach your goals in your business without burning out. Would you join me on a quick 20-minute call to chat?