4 Tips for Starting Fresh: Aquarius Season in Business
It’s Aquarius season, witches, and you know what that means: time for revolution, social justice, and innovation! As an Aquarius sun myself, I couldn’t be more thrilled to soak in this energy and lean into some big shifts — both personally and professionally. Let’s dive into what’s happening around here and how this season is inspiring change.
Building a Spiritual Business
When you settle into your Authentic Self, as you build your spiritual business, there's no better feeling. Suddenly, you're overcome with more confidence and you feel bolder and braver in all parts of your life.
The Business I had to Close
As a heart-led business owner, I felt weird selling to people. It felt icky. There was definitely a part of me that felt like I was somehow devaluing the work because I had to market and sell it. Learn more about the business I had to close here!
My Coaching Approach
Here’s how I approach coaching with my clients. Learn more about the modalities I use and why they’re important for building your business.
Your Spiritual Board of Directors
Do you have spirit guides? If not, maybe you vibe with a Roman goddess or a Catholic saint. If you’re drawn to a particular personality, I encourage you to learn more about that guide and what messages they may have for you. Could it be St. Germain, the master of ceremony and leader of group energy, suggesting you take on that challenge at work? Maybe it’s Quan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion, who is reminding you to release the judgment of yourself and others.